1100 Key Highway East
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Directions to facility
From Interstate 95 North or South
- Take exit 55 toward Key Highway/Fort McHenry National Monument
- Merge onto E McComas St
- Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Key Hwy
- Turn right onto Key Hwy E Street View
- Turn left at Woodall St into the plant
Upon entering the Baltimore Refinery – please follow the instruction of our staff security. They will direct you where to park. You must have a valid driver’s license on you and have your Domino pickup number.
Number to call for recorded directions
Hours of operation
Open 24 hours, Monday - Friday
We like appointments to be set from 8am to 4pm
BluJay TMS will reflect current shipping hours and availability.
Link to appointment scheduling (Google Chrome works best)
TMS instructions for customer arranged carriers (CPU) may be found at CPU orders are scheduled in the 3rd Party scheduler within BluJay. Search using the customer PO, domino sales order number, or delivery (PU) number along with the 2-letter state abbreviation for the PU location. CPU carriers and customers should contact [email protected] for assistance.
Domino-arranged carriers (PPD loads) should schedule appointments through BluJay under Execution Status. Contact [email protected] for assistance.
Appointment scheduling guidelines
TMS available to schedule: Orders populate in BluJay up to 7 days in advance of the pickup date. For CPU orders, BluJay will NOT show appointment availability prior to the planned pickup date. For PPD loads, BluJay will show appointment availability 24 hours prior to the planned pickup date.
TMS hours: BluJay is accessible for scheduling from any web browser 24/7 (google chrome is recommended).
Same Day Scheduling: Schedule in BluJay and use contacts below for assistance.
Contact: Sandy or Lori
Phone: 800-638-9878
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Rescheduling: Reschedule in BluJay. Contact [email protected] for assistance on product availability if not able to move appointment within the TMS.
Early/late for appointment policy
We have a 60/30 minute window on either side of your appointment.
- If you come in earlier than 1 hour before your appointment, guards will turn you away and tell you to come back at your appointment time.
- If you arrive past the 30 minute late window we will try to work you in.
- If you choose not to wait you must leave and call to make a new pickup appointment.
- If you will be late do not show up. Reschedule in BluJay and use the contacts below.
Contact: Sandy or Lori
Phone: 800-638-9878
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Refinery check-in requirements and security
Check-in Requirements
- All occupants must have valid government issued picture ID to enter the Plant. Drivers must have a valid DL for entry. All occupants must sign in at the main gate.
- All vehicles are subject to search. All operators who refuse will be turned away and not be loaded. Absolutely no contraband (drugs/alcohol) or weapons allowed on site. If discovered, law enforcement will be notified and asked to resolve the situation.
- All drivers must lock out their truck and give the keys to the loader. The loader will then put the keys in a lock box. Driver will then sit on the bench next to lock box unless needed by loader. They must follow all instructions of the loading operator and staff while in the plant.
Scaling In and Out
- The driver will be able to scale in at the Refinery. Bob’s Warehouse does not have a scale.
- After getting loaded the driver must put the seal on the trailer prior to leaving the shipping departments.
Rules and Requirements
- Trailers must be FOOD GRADE (Clean, Dry, Odor Free, No Holes, No more than 5 missing rivets or 2 missing rivets on the same cross member). You will be rejected if you have problems in any of the above categories. Dirt, glass, foreign material or odors are the most common causes of rejection. Clean before you arrive.
- Trailer must be swept out prior to arrival at the facilities you will not be able to sweep out once inside the facilities and will be rejected for dirty trailers.
- Trucks must come in full on fuel as they will be scaled in and out at the refinery.
- If your trailer is rejected, correct reason for rejection and resubmit for inspection, replace with a different trailer.
- If your load is rejected at the customer you must call: Sandy, Lori or Mike 800-638-9878. They will work with you on what to do with the product.
Nearby Truck Stop
5501 O'Donnell Street Cut Off, Baltimore, MD 21224
Open 24 hours
Phone: (410) 633-4611
Baltimore Area Warehouses
Visit: /baltimore-warehouses
Delivery to customer
- Please mark tenders in BluJay as being at the customer and departing the customer. This is how you will get paid.
- ON TIME deliveries to our customers are imperative. If you will be late you must contact us immediately via a load note in BluJay. Having our customer tell us we missed a delivery appointment before being notified by our transportation provider is unacceptable. We need to be proactive and alert them we will be providing their product late.
- If you have a load with rejected product call email [email protected] or 800-638-9878 so that we can put you through to the correct customer service rep.